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Ogwell antiques & Vintage-toys are situated next to the clock Tower in the lovely market town of Newton Abbot, we have frequented many local Antique fairs around the West Country for many years & have now acquired our own premises with a mix of antique & Vintage items.We buy & sell all items of vintage automobilia, from toys & trains to enamel signs, car mascots, motorsport memorabilia, small items of furniture & general antiques. We are very lucky to have an onsite Cafe called the Mad Hatters, so come along for a relaxing coffee or maybe a cream tea, then have a leisurely browse at our vintage items.

There is plenty of parking in the nearby superstore which is just a few hundred yards away. We look forward to meeting you .
Ogwell Antiques & Vintage-Toys

11, Wolborough Street
Newton Abbot

TQ12 1JR

Tel. 07973 740286

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714