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Our raison d’être at Guild is to offer our skills in furniture restoration to help you restore your pieces which have been broken or are showing their age. We have helped hundreds of people bring much loved furniture back to life. Guild can help you whether you wish to revamp a little chair you bought at a car boot sale or want the contents of your country house sympathetically restored to preserve them for future generations.

We specialise in upholstery, particularly traditional upholstery and specialist modern pieces. Our range for sale is eclectic, ranging from Regency, to Arts and Crafts, Glasgow School, Art Deco, 1950s and Mid Century Modern.

Our showroom is located above Singl End Restaurant near the Glasgow School of Art. Our opening hours are 9am to 6pm, Tuesday to Saturday or other times by appointment.
Guild Antiques & Restoration Ltd

265 Renfrew Street
G3 6TT

Tel. 0141 230 7845

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714