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We are one of the few independent small collectables shops in Barnstaple specialising in vintage, retro & antique collectable products. We sell a diverse range as our name suggests, ranging from militaria to collectable model cars, tobacciana to Royal Doulton, jewellery to silverware & much more. We will happily consider any item you are looking to sell. Military, Masonic, collectable model cars & jewellery are of particular interest to us. Our store opening times are Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 4pm. Closed Sundays.
Eclectic Vintage Retro & Antique Collectables

Eclectic - Vintage/Retro/Collectables
31 Queen Street
EX32 8HQ

Tel. 01271 324244

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714