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The Weird and Wonderful is the north's finest natural history and antiques store specialising in natural history and taxidermy. Our flagship store is based in Accrington, Lancashire and is open 7 days a week (with two days by pre-booked appointment only.

We carry a great range of taxidermy, antlers, skulls, wet specimens, oddities and items from all over the world.

We're only a 35 minute drive from the centre of Manchester with ample free parking near the store. Why not come and see our vast collection of natural history in our flagship store?

Open: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat 10am - 6pm, Thurs 10am - Late. Sun, - Mon By appointment only.
The Weird and Wonderful

6-8 Whalley Rd


Tel. 07540142407

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714