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As featured on BBC2's Antiques Road Trip Mcbains @ The Antiques Complex have 3 unique warehouses over 40000sq ft full of furniture with an increasing amount of furnishings...

Now set up for card payments to secure your items We have well laid out bright & spacious show rooms open to the public Mon-Fri 9am-530pm Sat 10am-1pm Closed Sun & Bank Holiday Weekends

Dealing with the trade & public we have items for everyone Based 1/2mile from car park 4 of Exeter International Airport where we have been trading for 25yrs! We do offer a full money back guarantee if you are not happy for what ever reason within a 7 day period as long as you pay for the transport back. Dealers Trade Space Available from £250 12" x 20" Pitch Short Term Lets Call Gordon
Mcbains Antiques of Exeter

Antiques Complex Exeter
Exeter Airport
South West England

Tel. 01392 366261

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