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Established by Ian Cherkas in 1982, Carlton Clocks has recently moved to its current workshops premises just outside Yeovil, Somerset. Visitors are welcome by appointment. Ian has years of experience in restoring and maintaining clocks, and is a member of the British Horological Institute (BHI) and Lapada. We stock a large range of clocks, antique and new at very competitive prices. All of our antique clocks and barometers are sympathetically restored to the highest standard by specialist experienced craftsmen and are sold with 3 year guarantees. We deliver our clocks fully insured free of charge anywhere in the United Kingdom and include comprehensive setting up instructions. Quotations can be arranged anywhere else worldwide.
Carlton Clocks

Bank Farm
Lower Odcombe
BA22 8TY

Tel. 01935 713333

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714