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Dates will be added when they become available The AdVintageous Team are delighted to have been invited back for the 5th year to provide the Vintage Stalls in Batley Market Square (outdoor event). We will be adding more stalls to the previous 30 strong vintage stallholders. There will be musical entertainment on the main stage and the crowds will be treated to music from across the decades from the 1920s through until late 1950s rock 'n' roll. Vintage vehicles will hot foot it into town again from 1920s roadsters, military vehicles, 1950s American muscle cars and many many more. The Vintage DJs will set themselves up in the NAAFI tent and dance area where you can have a boogie, grab a nice cup of tea and a slab of cake! %BOLD_ON%Open:%BOLD_OFF% 10am - 5pm
Batley - AdVintageous Pop-Up Vintage Fair

Batley Market Square

West Yorkshire
WF17 5DA

Tel. 07946 729243

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714