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Shirehall Plain Antiques Centre, Holt, has 9 large showrooms, housing over 20 antiques dealers. This Antiques Centre specialises in fine period furniture, but also houses a number of well stocked cabinets offering a wide range of good quality antiques and collectables. We also stock decorative items, pictures and prints. We are open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4.30pm and Sunday 11-3 from Easter to Christmas eve. There is ample parking in town and we have 1 hour free parking bays opposite us. You can find us above Abbots the Estate Agents and we have Byfords the cafe/deli right opposite us!
Shirehall Plain Antiques Centre

2c/2d Shirehall Plain

NR25 6HT

Tel. 01263 711991

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714