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Being the home of the Cheshire County Show, one of the leading county shows in the UK, the event has a drive-in format for dealers and plenty of free parking for buyers, this 100% outdoor market is set to be an exciting day for all those who love a rummage for antiques, architectural salvage and one-off pieces for home, garden and business. Approx 200 dealers. %BOLD_ON%Trade:%BOLD_OFF% 8.30am - 10am £10 per person. %BOLD_ON%Admission:%BOLD_OFF% 10am – 2pm £7 per person. 16s and under free.
Outdoor Antiques & Salvage Market at Cheshire Showground.

near Knutsford
England, WA16 0HJ
WA16 0HJ

Tel. 01298 27493

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714