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Updated on 17th March 2022 . 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM We’re filling 1200 square metres of space with everything you could possibly need to make your home pop with colour, light, and good vibes! Think mid century furniture, retro lighting, reupholstered & upcycled seating, beautiful textures, thriving plants, haberdashery, ceramics, candles... the list goes on! Entry details: EARLYBIRD (10:30am - 11:30am) - £5 GENERAL - ADMISSION (11:30am - 4pm) - £4 KIDS GO FREE
The Big Northern Flea New Dock Hall

New Dock Hall
Armouries Drive
North / South Yorkshire
LS10 1LT

Tel. 07921 236426

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714