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We have over 70 dealers in 5,000 sq ft of light and airy retail space displaying furniture, clocks, jewellery, silver, ceramics, glass, books, tools, textiles, clothes and all kinds of bygones and collectables. Ample free parking and 5 acres of gardens and meadow to wander in. Outside, the Beach Huts add another dimension for arts and crafts. The Flying Goose Cafe on-site is open for coffee, tea and light meals. Wheelchair access and disabled facilities. We also buy antiques. Open 10am-5pm weekdays and Saturday (closed Tuesdays); 10am-4pm Sunday.
Yoxford Antiques Centre

Yoxford Antiques Centre
Askers Hill
IP17 3JW

Tel. 01728 668844

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714