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David and Kristina Torr’s passion for buying and selling beautifully crafted antiques led them in 1999 to start a small business on the side operating from a shared shop in the Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells and then in 2018 to move their collection entirely on-line as well as making it their principal business. They have a wonderful eye for design and quality, and buy the best from all around the world, though they have a strong focus on China, Japan and India. They also seek out fine examples of English Georgian and Regency furniture, Grand Tour bronzes and paintings, decorative maps, 20th century studio pottery and icons of Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Mid Century design. Everything is acquired with the consideration that they would love to make room for it in their own house (if only they had the space!). They operate from their home in the country just outside Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Torr Antiques & Decorative Arts

Private dealer
By appointment only

Tel. 07931 370 372

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714